
There are 32 restaurants in and around Dullstroom. Below is a list of contact for these establishments. Daily or weekly specials and news about each one will be published as the site progresses.
The Barn ( Tonteldoos) 012 254 0702
2 Chefs Bistro   013 254 0920
Canimambo       013 254 0977
Charlie C's         013 254 0768
Country Corner Side Walk Cafe   013 254 0812
Cosy Alley     
Critchley Hackle    013 254 0149
Duck & Trout      013 254 0047
Dullstroom Inn     013 254 0071
Dunkeld The Black Swan  013 254 0814
Fibs                    013 254 0059
The Flying Dutchman  013 254 0939
The Mayfly    084 619 4946
Harries Pancakes  013 254 0801
Kloppenheim        013 256 9001
Lakenvlei               013 253 0550
Legendz Cafe     013 254 0413
Mrs Simpson's    013 254 0088
Old Traansvaal Inn 013 254 0550
Plat Du Jour       072 320 5370
The Pantry           082 687 8550
Peebles Country Retreat  013 254 8000
Pendlehill (Tonteldoos) 013 254 0073
Pickles & Things   013 254 0115
Planters Pub       013 254 0370
The Poacher      013 254 0108
Rose Cottage    013 254 0218
Stonecutters Lodge 013 235 4225
Trout River Falls 013 235 8905
Waffle Log 013 254 0392
Walkersons Hotel 013 253 7000